Where do I plug in my own devices?

Updated 7 months ago.

If you have eeros, you can plug your devices into any unused ports on the eero equipment.
  • It is best to plug into the eero that is connected directly to the ONT.
  • It is also okay to plug into other eeros that are wire back to the first eero.
  • We don't recommend plugging into the eeros that connect to the network over mesh, because the Internet traffic from your wired devices may negatively impact the devices connected over Wi-Fi.
  • We don't recommend plugging into the eero PoE 6 access points, because we don't want you to take the access points off the wall/ceiling.
  • If there are not enough ports, you can buy a simple unmanaged switch to expand the number of ports. There are 5-port and 8-port models available online or in store for $15-$30.

If you have Managed Wi-Fi Premium, then you can plug an unmanaged switch into a designated port on the Adtran managed switch. Then you can plug your devices into the unmanaged switch.
  • If you have an 8-port Adtran switch, plug into the port labeled 8.

  • If you have a 24-port Adtran switch, plug into the port labelled 22.