Metronet is the fastest growing 100% fiber company in the U.S., providing gigabit internet in more than 300 communities across 19 states. Metronet is building 90 communities at any one time, no company is minting as many new gigabit cities as Metronet.
Metronet in the News
Metronet in the News
Disruption to daily life is usually one of the top concerns City Leaders have when faced with city-wide construction. In this video, hear from officials of cities of all sizes about their experience with Metronet’s construction process.
When it comes to attracting new talent and businesses to a community, one of the largest competitive advantages is if a community can provide high-speed internet. It also fosters competition with incumbent ISPs and improves the quality of life. Hear from these communities on how becoming a Gigabit City powered by Metronet has had a positive impact on their economic development.
Who is Metronet? Will they be able to deliver on their promises? These are a few of the questions that arise when Metronet arrives to a new community. In this video, hear from City Leaders about their initial thoughts when Metronet approached their city.
You’ve never heard of Metronet, so why should you consider listening to what they have to say? City leaders reflect on why other communities should listen to Metronet’s proposals to provide high-speed internet to their communities.
Metronet is rapidly expanding and expects to move in to 90 more communities over the next year. If you are a city leader and believe that your city is ready for Metronet fiber, fill out the form below.